Spanish vegetable recipes - Zanahorias con vino de Málaga (Carrots in Malaga wine)
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Spanish food recipes - Zanahorias con vino de Málaga (Carrots in Malaga wine)

You will need
1 kg carrots peeled, sliced and cooked in boiling water until almost tender
100ml Málaga wine
a little stock

Heat some oil in a pan and sauté the carrots slowly until they are slightly browned. Add the stock, wine and season, and cook until the liquid has evaporated and the carrots tender.

Spanish vegetable recipes:

Alcachofas a la Cordobesa (Cordoba style artichokes)
Esparragos a la Andaluza (Andalucian asparagus)
Berenjena a la Morisca (Moorish aubergines)
Judias Verdes con Chorizo (Green beans with chorizo)
Habas con Jamon (Broad beans and serrano ham)
Puré de Habas (Broad bean puree)
Lombarda a la Castellana (Castillian red cabbage)
Zanahorias con vino de Málaga (Carrots in Malaga wine)
Coliflor al Ajaceite (Cauliflower with garlic sauce)
Guisantes a la Valenciana (Valencian style peas)
Parrillada de Patatas (Grilled potatoes)
Ajoharina de Jaén (Potatoes in garlic sauce)
Pisto (Summer vegetables)

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